Tuesday, June 7, 2011

let's get it started!!!

This is the schedule for our group discussion on FB.
Hope everybody can contribute to each other :)
We're going to start around 8 until midnight.

MON : Fiqh al-Jinayat
TUE : Criminal Law I
WED : Siyasah Shar'iyyah
THUR: Islamic Law of Banking and Takaful
FRI : Equity and Trust
SAT : Law of Banking and Security
SUN : Family Law

Methods of discussion  may vary depending on the subjects.
- Sharing related articles
- Pop quizzes
- Past-year questions
- Sharing opinions
- Sharing notes

Don't push yourself too much because it is not like we're going to cover everything.
It is just to expose ourselves to what we're going to deal with next semester.
At least, takdela kita keep on wondering to ourselves "What on Earth is equity and Trust?!"
dan tak payahla last-last minit baru nak hafal dalil untuk Fiqh al-Jinayat :)

"Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure" - Confucius

p/s: janganlah harapkan cik moderator je yang start ye? cik moderator pun guna broadband je. xde streamyx or unifi. kalau cik moderator senyap je maksudnya dah sampai limitlah broadbandnya itu ^^"


Saya Sarah said...

xaci!!nnti add ahmad adib lah..guna acc adik, leh x?

(aRe-TiCk) said...

aci kat india..huhu..ley je...xpon buat je y baru..benda berfaedah camni xda ruginya.
terima kasih ye admin y sgt bertungkus lumus tuk menjayakan program ini:)

Saya Sarah said...

bkn xnk buat yg sendiri kak,,,,tpi..ehm mls nk mewujudkn diri sndiri dlm carian google..hehe

Unknown said...

syu~ kul 9 leh x? hehe bukan pe. kul 7-8 tu busy cket uruskan diri.
mcm biase lah, kalo aku xsolat isyak sebelum kul 9, kul 12 blom tentu ak solat.. ^^

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